Sunday, May 17, 2015

Birding By Ear

Jeanette is shown here early in the morning listening for birds on the Lagoon Loop Trail in the Siltcoos Recreation Area. It adds a real dimension of joy to be able to identify a bird just by its song. Some times it provides the only clue that a bird is around. More and more we are getting better at bird identification by ear and it speeds up the process of birding when you don't have to actually see a bird to be able to identify it.  For example one of the most numerous birds we have here are Wrentits, and today we heard a total of at least 10 different Wrentits, but I think we only saw two and that was after coaxing them out with our iPhone. For the last two mornings we have taken Buster out for a walk and some birding before our day starts with working with the ranger, seems to be a good system.

1 comment:

  1. Getting out early to bird sounds like an excellent idea. I have come to the conclusion that is why your count is always so high.
