Tuesday, July 15, 2014

The Eagle Eye

Yesterday while John West and I were at Willamette Mission State Park we checked out the Bald Eagle’s nest that I had just learned of last week.  The lone juvenile on the nest seemed to be giving us the “eagle” eye.  I’m sure he could see us easier than we could see him, and because of that he never really allowed us a clear shot of him. I got to wondering how long does he have to spend his days hiding out on the nest depending on his parents to bring him something to eat?  Turns out it’s almost three months.  The average time from hatching to fledging for Bald Eagles is 84 days.  Nearby were Turkey Vultures, which take 77 days to fledge, and Ospreys which take 54 days. No wonder this juvenile Bald Eagle watched us so intently, he has nothing else to do for a long time.     


  1. Great eagle eye photo! Is it true Red Tailed Hawls are only 42 days? We get a lot of entertainment out of our Red Tailed babies when they get booted from the nest! Although their screeching all day can get a little tiresome at times. Thanks for the continuing education!

    1. According to The Birders Handbook (my bible) it is 45-46 days, so close enough. We had a complaining juvenile Red-tail last night that was going on and on, wanting to get fed I guess.

  2. This juvenile can hurry up and wait I am sure that he is learning patience and making sense of his observations. Lee
