Saturday, August 13, 2011

No Picture

On the way to the coast yesterday in a quest of finding some new birds, I was discussing the idea with Jeanette how I actually now needed two pair of binoculars when I am birding, one to see birds close at hand with a low magnification, and a more powerful pair to spot birds at a greater distance. The down side would be one more thing I would have to carry.  Suddenly I had a brainstorm, what I really needed was a bird caddy; you know like a golfer, I could use a caddy.  The caddy could carry several pairs of binoculars and hand me the appropriate one to meet the situation. Maybe a tripod with a spotting scope too. The caddy could also carry several birding guides that again would be close at hand for me.  If the caddy had a sharp eye, they could call out the position of bird in a nearby tree or bush.  Of course the caddy would be able to hand me my camera when I needed it, carry some snacks and water.  I guess Jeanette didn’t quite get the picture----her response was---“in your dreams!”

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