I have been checking out the Osprey nest site at the Riverview Park in Independence for several weeks now, anticipating their seasonal return. I checked again this morning, but no Osprey were in view when I arrived. You can see my complete observation list with photos here. I was almost back to the van, when I saw a large bird coming in high from the East almost directly over the Bald Eagle nest. It circled over the river pausing to hover several times, probably looking for fish, before going over and perching on a cottonwood tree close to the Osprey nest. Looks to be a male, and is the first Osprey I have seen at that nest site this year. After a few minutes it was chased away by an immature Bald Eagle. This sighting date of March 19th, is the earliest reporting to e-Bird for this location.
This blog is an extension of my website, CascadeRamblings, and is an attempt of mine to ramble on about places I happen to ramble, be it on foot on trail, or in my RV on the road.
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