Friday, July 24, 2020

Old Job - New Title

My attitude stalled-out like an airplane with engine trouble this morning.  The weather was too over-cast for good birding, and besides the planter fasciitis pain in my feet has kicked up, making walking a poor sounding option. Then the noise of construction outside my den window interrupted my pity party. DEACON was moving construction equipment around!

The Dallas Retirement Village Lodge were we live is building a huge new addition of 29 new resident units, an indoor pool and hot tub, locker rooms, spa and fitness center. I have a cat-bird seat from our second floor residence balcony to oversee the whole operation.

For the past four months I have been submitting bird photos and a short write-up to our Dallas Retirement Village newsletter called the DRV Daily Chronicle. Most recently I have featured residents in a couple of write-ups, which has resulted in our Resident Services Director playfully suggesting that they should give me a new title of  "Chronicle Photographer". As I think back on it, this is not a new interest for me, I remember back in the second grade at Queen Anne Grade School in Lebanon, I took my camera to school to take photos of my class mates playing softball because I so admired their skill and athletic ability. With the new construction going of outside my den window, I think I will be a busy boy.