Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Places We Love to Bird - Ballston County Park

The small community of Ballston was originally called Ballsville after railroad backer Isaac Ball. The park is made up of this tiny one-room school nestled in a grove of oak trees. The school was originally built in 1855 a half a mile away and later moved to this location on log rollers pulled by oxen in 1874. Today as a Polk County Park it is an inviting spot to stop, and for us a good place to check out the birds. Acorn Woodpeckers are the most dependable species to be heard and seen here because of cavity nests in the oak trees. On this visit on August 6th, we set up the lawn chairs in the shade and listened and watched and made up our eBird list. I'm sure this will continue to be a place we love to visit and enjoy.


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