Thursday, June 13, 2024

Thursday's Bird Watch

 In recent weeks there has been a lot of attention on the Eurasian Collared-Doves in the Central Courtyard of The Lodge here at Dallas Retirement Village.  They spend a lot of time calling from the roof-tops. The interest picked-up considerably when it was discovered that a nest had been made in the rafters of resident Diane Wetherbee's third floor balcony, and there was a baby! That excitement turned to despair when it appeared the mother was not returning to the nest to feed the baby.  Eventually, it was discovered that the baby had left the nest, and the mom had found it, and was feeding it.  This photo, taken by Jeanette Scott on June 4th, shows the mother on the right, her bill wide open to accommodate the juvenile on the left to take whatever it finds.  This was a significant event for us, as we have never seen Eurasian Collared-Doves caring for juveniles.  Stay tuned, as this could happen again, as Eurasian Collared-Doves are capable of mating year around and producing up to 6 broods a year.

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