Thursday, April 4, 2024

Village Birders at Sarah Helmick Park

The Village Birders from Dallas Retirement Village took their first Birding Bus Trip of the year to Sarah Helmick State Park today, April 4th, 2024.  This is our forth year of Birding Bus Trips.  We lucked out on the weather and missed the rain altogether. 

Sharp eyes, aided by binoculars, and e-Bird's Merlin Identification app allowed us to observe and identify 15 different species.  Here is our e-Bird Observation List

Our most interesting observation were the Turkey Vultures warming up in the morning sun and launching into circles to gain altitude and travel out to find their prey for the day. 

Of course all was not about birds, we enjoyed some of the first of the Spring wildflowers.
Shooting Star

Fawn Lily




  1. Excellent. You are amazing, Jim, and keep on giving joy to others.

  2. Thanks John. There is so much to share, as you above anybody else knows.
