Jeanette this morning in our car, bundled up against the freezing cold, binoculars in hand, searching the fields of Baskett Slough National Wildlife Refuge for a rare bird, a Ruff. To our great good fortune, our birding friend Brandon Wagoner was already parked along the road busy, searching with his spotting scope. A little later, as he worked his way further down the road, he called on his cell phone to say he had found the Ruff! It was a new Life Bird for us.
This year has been amazing year for us here in little rural Polk County. On January 27th we were shown by some other birders a Field Sparrow, a bird normally seen on the Eastside of the Rockies. This sparrow was first found by Brandon Wagner and was a first for the State of Oregon. On February 10th we again profited by the experience of other birders, and Rick Bennett pointed out a Black-and-white Warbler, a first for Polk County. Today we excitedly added a Ruff, not a record for Oregon, or Polk County, but a new addition to our Life List, which now stands at 328 species.
Good find!