Thursday, January 30, 2025

Thursday's Bird Watch!

This White-crowned Sparrow was photographed on a seed-feeder at the Assisted Living facility here in Dallas Retirement Village on January 20th.  White-crowned Sparrows are one of the easier birds to identify with their striking white crown stripes, and in Spring you cannot help but hear the males singing out boldly. They are year-round residents here at DRV, preferring to build their round grass formed nest in low shrubbery.  In fact, I found a nest with four eggs in a rosebush here at DRV at the Japer Street Entrance in May of 2020.  It's hard for them to make it through a nesting season without being interrupted by the gardeners, but that is the world we live in.  

Saturday, January 25, 2025

First Vulture Sighting of the Year

Jeanette spotting the Turkey Vulture over the trees

After lunch today we went in search of new birds for this year's Polk County eBird List.  At the top of the list was the Red-breasted Nuthatch. It has the highest percentage for us to see, and one of the locations we have observed it in the past was the Ash Creek Restoration Site in Independence. Plus, I figured the trees along the creek would give us some protection from the bitter north wind. We did not hear or see any Nuthatches, but we did get a complete surprise of a Turkey Vulture! This is a bird we would not except to see this far north until sometime in March. Not only was this a first sighting for us in Polk County, but this is also a first sighting this year for anyone in Polk County!

Winter Escape to Toledo

Jeanette & Jim on the Depot Slough Path

We were desperate to escape the daily sub-freezing temperatures that we have delt with for the past week, so this morning we took off in the van for Toledo to do some birding. Arriving in the Toledo area we counted some birds along the Sturdevant Rd. Marsh, and at East Slope Park, making quick lists from the warm comfort of the van.  At Waterfront Park in Toledo, we had sunshine, and the temperature was 37 degrees. We bundled up and stepped out of the van to walk the Depot Slough Path. Here is our bird list and photos. Back to the van we warmed up and enjoyed some lunch.  Next it was off to Paddle Park

Jeanette at Paddle Park overlooking Yaquina Bay

Paddle Park is a favorite of ours, and almost a secret. Few people come here, even though there is a nice dock, boat launch, restrooms and parking. Birding is always good here. Here is our bird list and photos

Our weather changed and clouds replaced the sunshine.  Looking to the west we saw some blue sky, so we continued along the Yaquina Bay Rd. to Newport, and then north on Highway 101 to Lincoln City, and back to Dallas. We felt we had an adventure and an escape from the daily humdrum. 

Here is a link to some of the parks in Toledo. 


Thursday, January 23, 2025

Thursday's Bird Watch

I always think of Yellow-rumped Warblers as "winter" birds.  Checking the information in eBird for Dallas Retirement Village, Yellow-rumped Warblers have been reported here at DRV from November thru April.  They are most easily identified by a yellow or white throat and the yellow rump.  I photographed this Yellow-rumped Warbler in Kirk and Cheryl Wagner's Garden Home backyard feeder on January 12, 2025. In an important announcement, Bird Watch! will now be shared with Assisted Living in their weekly newsletter, the Brentwood Tribune.  A thank you goes to Sue Olmstead who made the suggestion.   

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Thursday's Birdwatch!

This is a Red-shouldered Hawk, photographed on January 3rd in the Dallas City Park. Do not confused this with the more common larger Red-tailed Hawk.  The Red-shouldered Hawk is a somewhat recent arrival to Oregon, having expanded its range northward in the last four decades.  We have observed them here in the Dallas City Park and along the Rickreall Creek Trail System from the first of September thru the middle of May, which brings up the question where do they go in the summertime during breeding and nesting season?  I suspect they go to more remote locations in the coast range. I have no evidence, but it is my best guess.

In an update from last week's article on the Bald Eagle; Dallas Retirement Village resident, Judy Widmer, went in search of the Bald Eagle's nest. She texted me for confirmation on the location before locating it herself. Which brings up a point, if you have questions, feel free to text me at 541-670-9189.
 - Jim Scott  

Thursday, January 9, 2025

Thursday's Bird Watch!

It's almost a given that you can see Bald Eagles at nearby Basket Slough National Wildlife Refuge, especially if you drive down Smithfield Rd. where this nest is located.  The female is shown at the nest in this photo, and the male is on a limb off to the side in the same tree. It's impossible to miss the giant Cottonwood tree this nest is in on the South side of Smithfield Rd., East of Livermore Rd. Bald Eagle pairs continue to use the same nest year after year, so we will be watching this nest as we did last year.  This photo was taken on December 31, and on that day we saw a total of 8 Bald Eagles at Baskett Slough National Wildlife Refuge.

Thursday, January 2, 2025

Thursday's Bird Watch!

This is a Mourning Dove which is our native dove.  The other common dove to be seen here at Dallas Retirement Village is a Eurasian Collared-Dove, a non-native introduced species. They are easy to tell apart, the Mourning Dove lacks the black collar on the neck of the Eurasian Collared-Dove.   In addition, the Mourning Dove is a light tan color, and the Eurasian Collared- Dove is a light grey color.  In general, the Eurasian Collared-Dove is seen more often here at DRV, so we were surprised and pleased when we saw four Mourning Doves together the day took this photo on December 24th here at DRV. 

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Final Bird of The Year

Black-crowned Night-Heron

Yesterday we took off in the van for a day of birding at Baskett Slough NWR.  It is a favorite way of ours to bird in bad weather.  We turn on the furnace and enjoy the warmth and comfort of the seats as we locate and photograph birds. We were parked enjoying our lunch at the Morgan Lake parking lot, when a man pulled up in a pickup and walked over to talk with us.  It was Ken Chamberlain, a well-known and experience birder.  He recognized our van. As we chatted about birds, he mentioned that he had found the rare, Black-crowned Night-Heron at the Sheridan South Side Park. We had looked for it a couple of weeks ago but had failed to find it.  He explained exactly where he had found it, so we said our goodbyes and traveled on to Sheridan. Arriving at the first pond, we searched the water line on the far side and grassy banks to no avail. I asked Jeanette for a cup of coffee. She went back to the stove to boil water and make coffee and asked ME to find a photo so she would know what we were looking for.  While I was looking for an image of the Back-crowned Night-Heron, she brought up my coffee, picked-up her binoculars and exclaimed, "there it is".  With her instructions, I proceeded to locate it and take some photos. It's a juvenile, so not the distinct black and white coloring that we are familiar with from our years in Southern California and Arizona. We were thrilled to have our last bird of the year to be this special, Black-crowned Night Heron.