Friday, December 27, 2024

Birding at Buena Vista

Historic Buena Vista is probably best known now days for the ferry that transports people and vehicles across the Willamette River, one of the few still operating. Right next door to the ferry landing is the Buena Vista Polk County Park.  The recent renovation of paved parking lots and roadways, and the addition of a concert riverside sidewalk, all make for easy travel, particularly with a walker.  We tested this out on Tuesday. Parking the van at the upper parking lot was easy.  The paved road to the lower parking lot and boat ramp, all though steep, worked well. and the concrete sidewalk put us riverside and right next to some shrubbery filled with a flock of American Goldfinches. The park has been a favorite over the years, and I think in particular because of the river location we have seen a great variety of birds. It was exciting to find it very easy to bird using my walker.  We will be returning. Here is our bird list.

Thursday, December 26, 2024

Thursday's Bird Watch!

Keeping track of the Anna's Hummingbirds in The Lodge Central Courtyard here at Dallas Retirement Village is becoming an obsession of mine, especially because I am convinced, we have a courtship going on.  The male that I featured last week continues to guard the territory from a dogwood tree in the north-east corner of the courtyard.  This week I am showing a photo of the female.  She prefers to perch in the third tree over in the south-east corner of the corner of the courtyard.  Notice they both seem to enjoy perching in the dogwood trees on the Christmas lighting wires.  In today's photo, taken on December 19th the female's posture seems to suggest she is anticipating a visit from the male. 

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Window Birding Station

I have discovered a new favorite bird watching location, and it is right here in the Dallas Retirement Village. From our apartment in The Lodge, the view looks down into the Central Courtyard to the fountain which is encircled with dogwood trees. I can sit comfortably, without pain, in my walker and use my binoculars and camera to observe and document bird life. The dogwood trees have been used by Anna's Hummingbirds to nest in for the past three years. Currently, there is a lot of action going on with the hummingbirds as they determine territory and mates. When that is settled, hopefully the female will build a nest. Will she use a previous one, or build a new one? I will be watching.      

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Scott - Borja X-Mas Gathering

Christmas gathering on December 20th of the Scott and Borja families in The Lodge Library at Dallas Retirement Village was a great success.  It was wonderful to get caught up with son Michael Scott and our granddaughter Madeleine Scott, grandson William Borja who manages a climbing gym in California, grandson Luke Borja and girlfriend Elizabeth, and grandson Jake Borja who is a sophomore at the University of Oregon.  Food was provided by Masala Bites Indian Cuisine courtesy of our daughter Lisa Borja.

Thursday, December 19, 2024

Thursday's Bird Watch!

This Anna's Hummingbird photo was taken from our balcony unit in The Lodge here at Dallas Retirement Village on December 7th.  We have had a lot of activity lately from Anna's Hummingbirds, and on this day at least three different birds seem to be having a territorial dispute going on.  Males have the distinct ability to flash their brilliant red coloring, presumably in a show of male dominance. When not in the display mode the head and shoulders will be a dull black coloration. Keep a watch out for males as they establish their territory and attract females. 

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Birdwalk with a Walker

Sarah Helmick State Park 

This morning, we drove down to Sarah Helmick State Park, south of Monmouth, to test out using my new walker on a bird walk. Debilitating pain in my lower back has made it necessary to use a walker to get around.  I got my walker on December 7th as shown below.  I have used it up and down the halls and trips to the dining rooms here at Dallas Retirement Village, and also out on the sidewalks for some short jaunts to check for birds. But this was our first full-blown test.  Load up the walker in the back of the car, drive to the park, unload the walker, strap on the camera, strap on the binoculars, turn on the Merlin bird app to identify birds by sound, and then start pushing the walker.  Mainly it was successful.  One of the surprising, best benefits was the ability to sit down and rest my back when the pain started to interfere.  On this test we did a half mile loop through the park, and I took advantage of sitting several times.  You can see our bird list here.

We are feeling quite encouraged that we will be able to continue our love for birding using this new helper.  I have been having fun getting it adjusted to fit just right.  I've added an accessory to hold my coffee cup and cell phone, which comes in handy when we go first thing every morning down the hall to work out in the exercise room known as The Mill, and then downstairs to The Lobby to read the newspaper by the fireplace, and top off our coffee with a complimentary refill.  Perhaps you get the picture, it's a pretty good life.    


Thursday, December 12, 2024

Thursday's Bird Watch!


This bird is a Pine Siskin at a feeder box put up by Kirk Wagner in his Garden Home backyard here in Dallas Retirement Community Village. Pine Siskins have just arrived in large numbers last month from their breeding grounds in northern Canada. They can be seen here at DRV in our barren winter trees in flocks of 15 to 30 birds. It could be just a coincidence, but I'm thinking that there is a strong possibility that their arrival and the arrival of the Merlinn, which was featured in last week's post, has a connection.  That connection is that the Merlin has followed its food source south for the winter.

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Fish Stocking Day

Jeanette and I went out to Sheridan South Side Park and Fishing Pond this morning to look for an unusual Black-crowned Night Heron that had been reported yesterday.  We didn't find it, but while scanning the pond for ducks an Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife truck arrived.  We guessed right away that it was a fish stocking truck from our years of volunteering at Roaring River Fish Hatchery. Sure enough it backed up and unloaded some fish.  For you fishing type people, this was a load of large brooder trout. I talked to the driver and his next stop was Huddleston Pond in Willamina. Grab your gear and get going, there was no one fishing there yet. (click on the image for a closer look)

Thursday, December 5, 2024

Thursday's Bird Watch!

We were thrilled to see out first Merlin of the season on Monday, November 23.  Merlin are winter birds, coming south for the winter from Canada.  Don't let the dull coloring fool you, this is an exciting bird.  A member of the Falcon Family, they are slightly larger than their cousins, the American Kestrel.   Merlins are fast and unique in their preference to take their prey, other birds, in midair.  We found this one here in Dallas Retirement Village at the top of the large fir tree next to the Maintenance Building.  This is their preference, to perch high at the top of a tree to be able to spot their next victim.  I expect to see this bird again through the winter before it leaves sometime in March to head north for the summer.