Thursday, December 28, 2023
Thursday's Bird Watch
Thursday, December 21, 2023
Thursday's Bird Watch
Thursday, December 14, 2023
Thursday's Bird Watch
Thursday, December 7, 2023
Thursday's Bird Watch
Thursday, November 30, 2023
Thursday's Bird Watch
Thursday, November 23, 2023
Thursday's Bird Watch
Thursday, November 16, 2023
Thursday's Bird Watch
Four years ago this month, Jeanette and I signed the paperwork with Sales and Marketing Director Tawnya Turner to move to Dallas Retirement Village. A few days later we made a return visit to get a little more acquainted with DRV. We roamed the hallways, checked out all the entrances, and elevators, and imagined placement of furniture in our unit. Afterwards we had a picnic at the Pavilion. It was a warm sunny day, and of course I couldn't help noticing the birds. This Golden-crowned Kinglet caught my eye, and I got a quick photo. We immediately considered this a good omen for out anticipated new home. These beautifully colored small birds are primarily winter migrants in the Dallas area, normally seen from October through April. Ironically, we have yet to see another Golden-crowned Kinglet here at DRV since this one in November of 2019.
Thursday, November 9, 2023
Thursday's Bird Watch
Thursday, November 2, 2023
Thursday's Bird Watch
Thursday, October 26, 2023
Thursday's Bird Watch
Thursday, October 19, 2023
Thursday's Bird Watch
Adjacent to the Dallas City Park is the Hunter Arboretum Botanic Garden. Because of its abundance of native plants, shrubs and trees, it is actually a more productive area to find birds than the busy Dallas City Park. The Arboretum is where I found and photographed this Acorn Woodpecker recently. Notice that it has an oak acorn in its bill. Fall is all about harvest time, for the birds as well as humans. The birds, particularly the woodpeckers and jays, are busy hiding away nuts to eat later this winter.
Thursday, October 12, 2023
Thursday's Bird Watch
Thursday, October 5, 2023
Thursday's Bird Watch
Given a choice, hummingbirds seem to prefer flower nectar over sugar water at our juice feeders, and nectar is probably better for them.
Originally, Anna's Hummingbirds were found no further north than San Francisco, but in the last several decades they have moved north and now are year around residents here in Oregon, and much further north. Which means that in winter when the flowers are gone, they do depend on juice feeders, so it's important for us to provide the feeders then.
Wednesday, October 4, 2023
Huddleston Pond
This week's destination for the Village Birders of Dallas Retirement Village is Huddleston Pond in Willamina. A favorite of Jeanette's and mine, we have been birding here for the past ten years. Today, October 3rd, marked our 81st trip. It's a former log pond of Hampton Lumper Company, who donated the area to the City of Willamina for a park. Our group today enjoyed bright sunshine and a few early arriving waterfowl. The most unusual bird we found was a Red-necked Grebe as shown below. Red-necked Grebes are most commonly seen along our coastline, and it took some time for me to come up with the identification particularly because it was in the non-breeding plumage. Here is the link to our eBird Observation List.
Thursday, September 28, 2023
Thursday's Bird Watch
Thursday, September 21, 2023
Morgan Lake
Wednesday, September 20, 2023
Salem Riverfront Park
The Village Birders from Dallas Retirement Village took their Bus Birding Trip on Tuesday to the Salem Riverfront Park to get in a walk and look for birds. The weather was absolutely gorgeous for our morning excursion. Even a Red-Eared Slider Turtle had crawled out on a log to soak up some sun.
Tuesday, September 19, 2023
Another Secret of Toledo
The last two weeks have been jam packed with all kinds of doctor appointments and family events, and the upcoming week looks to be equally full. Monday was wide open, and we made a quick decision to break away for a day-trip to the coast for a kind of reset. Once again, Toledo was on our radar, with a loop through Newport and up the coast to Lincoln City and back home. Our first stop was at East Slope Park in Toledo for a bird walk along Olalla Slough. (Checklist).
Next, was a stop to bird the Depot Slough Path along the Toledo waterfront, a continuing favorite. A surprise here was the Port of Toledo is dredging out the channel. The dock, and all the boats have all been moved out to make room for the dredging operation. Despite the major interruptions to the area, we still found a fair number of birds. (Checklist)
And here is the "secret", which I question my sanity somewhat to reveal, except that I know a good number of people, particularly family and friends that love to canoe, kayak, and paddle board, that would appreciate knowing about Paddle Park. The Port of Toledo has built a number of parks, among them is Paddle Park. Check on this link. This looks to be a wonderful location, but at this point, under used, to launch your watercraft, or just enjoy a picnic, and of course, look for birds.
A quick bird check added to the inventory of birds to be seen here (Checklist)

Thursday, September 14, 2023
Thursday's Bird Watch
Monday, September 11, 2023
Brown's Ferry Park
Thursday, September 7, 2023
Thursday's Bird Watch
Thursday, August 24, 2023
Thursday's Bird Watch
BABY BIRDS UPDATE - I took this photo last Wednesday on August 16th of the baby Western Bluebirds in the nesting box at The Pavilion her in Dallas Retirement Village. It's a real guessing game to decide how many babies are in this photo. When I took the original photo of the eggs on July 21, there were clearly only 4 eggs. Looking at this photo, I count somewhere between 4 to 6 babies. Look closely and let me know your count. they are growing rapidly and will probably be out of the nest this week.
Wednesday, August 23, 2023
The Hunted and the Hunter
Yesterday morning while walking back to the car after birding at Moffitti Marsh in Baskett Slough National Wildlife Refuge, we noticed an unusual number of small birds darting in and out of the hedgerow of blackberry bushes along the fence row. They were out of sight until suddenly they popped up and flew to the next bush only to immediately disappear deep into the bushes. It was hard to make an identification let alone get a photo. Eventually I did get a few photos and we were able to identify House Finches, House Sparrows, and White-crowned Sparrows. But we were still mystified at their hiding behavior, and then we discovered their reason for hiding, an intense looking Cooper's Hawk.
Thursday, August 17, 2023
Thursday's Bird Watch
The Red House Bistro here at Dallas Retirement Village continues to be a top spot to watch birds. I took this photo of an Anna's Hummingbird while we were having breakfast there last Thursday morning, August 10th. The handy work of David Fletcher in the flowerbeds on the patio provides a feasting location for the hummingbirds where they collect nectar from the flowers. In addition to Anna's Hummingbirds, we also observed two migrating Rufous Hummingbirds.
Monday, August 14, 2023
Why We Love Toledo
Sunday, August 13, 2023
Spyglass Ridge Open Space
Thursday, August 10, 2023
Thursday's Birdwatch
The "News Flash" here in the birding world at Dallas Retirement Village is that the nesting box located at the Pavilion has baby Western Bluebirds that are being fed by their parents. I had taken a photo of the eggs back on the 21st of July, but it wasn't until I was tipped off on Aug 2nd when resident Barbara Berrie and her caregiver, Angela Barker, reported that the adults were busy feeding their babies that I was aware the chicks had hatched.
Thursday, August 3, 2023
Thursday's Bird Watch
It's a quiet time of year for birds, but if you look closely, you may catch some touching scenes because it is also the time of year for new young birds. This is a family of House Finches taken here at Dallas Retirement Village last Thursday the 27th of July. Male House Finches are easy to identify with their bright red plumage. Females are more subtle, but distinct breast stripes always provide a clue. Juveniles if seen all alone provide almost no clue to their identification.
Tuesday, August 1, 2023
Silver Falls State Park
Recent news articles had alerted me to new construction at Silver Falls State Park at what is to be called the North Gateway. We had a free day today, so decided to take off and discover what this is all about. Just opening in July is the first phase, which is the North Cayon Trailhead and parking lot. This new trail connects to the North Canyon Trail as well as the new North Falls Viewpoint.