Monday, July 13, 2015

Black-bellied Plover

The sighting of Black-bellied Plovers was the story of the day for me yesterday.  Because I am on the beach every day, new arrivals get my attention right away, and Black-bellied Plovers look a lot different than Western Snowy Plovers.  As far as I can tell this is the first reported sighting on the Oregon Coast for this season. This southern migration from their breeding grounds up north is also referred to as the "fall migration", and it is getting more interesting everyday.  The numbers of Western Sandpipers are growing and I have seen a few Sanderlings and also yesterday four Whimbel. The somewhat barren and stagnate bird situation on the beach of June is definitely passed and I am excited about getting to see new birds daily.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad to hear more variety is coming your way. You've been truly noble guarding the plover for so long.
