Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Drying Out

We basically had a dry day yesterday and the birds seemed to take advantage of it to dry out a bit.  We also took advantage of the dry “window” too to get in some walking, chalking up over three miles. While on a bird walk at Fairview Wetlands I photographed this Red-tailed Hawk. We are accustomed to seeing birds like Turkey Vultures and Cormorants spreading their wings and tails out to dry, but this is the first time I recall seeing a Red-tail Hawk with this behavior. It’s pretty obvious with this view why this is called a Red-tailed Hawk.


  1. Thanks Larry, and congrats on figuring out how to use this comment area.

  2. We spend so much time listening & watching Red tails from a far, we appreciate being able to see great close up photo's that we miss out on if we didn't have Jim working hard to acquire these photos & information to share with everyone.
