Sunday, February 10, 2013

Successful Week of Birding

My thanks to Mark Headings for providing the above photo of Saturday’s Bird Hike on the Sunset Trail- -Today closes another very successful week of Bird Hikes at Lake Havasu State Park.  I have had 44 attendees in the past five days, which gives me a pretty good average day count.  There have been a good number of people coming in from the city so I am not dependent on just the campground.  Daily I have been able to point out and educate people on new birds, both residents and migrants along the shore of Lake Havasu. It’s been both demanding and rewarding. It’s an intense two hours of leading the hike, but in addition it takes a good amount of time in preparation and follow-up. My interest and knowledge of birding continues to grow, and it’s very stimulating to be able to share this experience with others. 

1 comment:

  1. Your time, energy & enthusiasm are appreciated by many. Thanks for sharing 'The world according to Jim'.
