Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Fun Filled Days

Bill and Marvin are shown here “jamming” this afternoon. But, let me back up and explain our fun filled days with guests. Bill Giebel and Linda Willnow, friends from Silverton, got here yesterday just in time for the Bird Walk. Then Jeanette and I drove into Parker to have dinner and a tour of the Blue River Casino where my sister Kathy and her husband Gary and their friend Opal were staying. This morning Kathy, Gary and Opal stopped at our park for a quick visit on their way to Las Vegas. Then this afternoon Bill got together at our site with Marvin, a neighbor in the park, and played Blue Grass. Jeanette thought that was good enough to put together a campfire this evening. Gene, a harmonica player showed up and joined in and we ended up with 37 people circled around the campfire enjoying the music, singing, and telling stories and jokes.