Friday, March 29, 2024

Murlark Osprey Pair

The pair of Osprey that visit a nest site in West Salem seasonally to raise their chicks is becoming a lesson in persistence. Osprey are known for returning to the same nest year after year. Salem Electric in an effort to draw Osprey away from nesting atop power poles has put up a number of platforms on poles to provide them an alternative. In this case, this pair of Osprey have their own opinions, and their continued success year after year points to their stubbornness or persistence. They are the most successful nesting pair in the West Salem area. Always the first to return from their wintering grounds someplace in Mexico or Central America, they always produce the most young.  All this in spite of the fact that their nest has been moved on them at least four times in the last few years. When we stopped by to check on them this morning at their most recent nest building project on a pole put up by Salem Electric on Edgewater St NW, we were surprised to find it empty. We turned down Murlark Ave to check on another nest site on Patterson, when all of a sudden Jeanette spotted a new nest on a power power pole on Murlark Ave with three or four birds. Stopping to examine closer, we found this start of a nest on a pole with two Osprey, and two decoy birds that had obviously been placed to discourage their nesting.   

Here it looks like there is an "eye to eye" conversation going on between the Osprey and the fake bird,  perhaps about who actually belongs at this location.  

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Persistence is the operative word. Thanks Jim & Jeanette for keeping us all up to date on these nests. Decoy birds - wow.
