Monday, November 16, 2020

Territorial Dispute

It's a delight to have our winter sparrows back, like this Golden-crowned Sparrow seen along the path at Fairview Wetlands in Salem yesterday.  He does however seem to have an objection to our presence. The bark dust path which runs along the east bank of the lower pond is great habitat for Golden-crowns to scratch up in search of bugs. In fact they probably consider the path belongs to them. Fairview Wetlands is our go-to-spot for Sundays.  We like it because the many near-by workers who use the path for walking on their breaks during the week are not around on the weekend.  In other words, we have it to ourselves on Sundays.  Perhaps this Gold-crowned Sparrow has the same attitude, he feels like it's his territory!  Here is the link to our observation list.  

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