Saturday, February 15, 2025

Winter Survival

We still have snow on the ground, and when we went out this morning to check on the van, we noticed a lot of bird activity, particularly Western Bluebirds! We wondered what they could be finding to eat.  We noticed that they seem to be checking out the bare spots under the shrubbery.  Then, Jeanette noticed that they were also looking for water. We were inspired to provide some food and water for them.  I put out a suet feeder and Jeanette set out some meal worms and a dish of water.  

 A female Western Bluebird, one of a group of five, is shown here in a tree all fluffed up trying to stay warm.

Next, we noticed the group found the Beautyberry (Callicarpa bodinieri). A thank you goes out to my sister-in-law, Patty Blair, for the plant identification.  This male and the rest of the flock went right to work harvesting the berries.


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