Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Luckiamute Landing State Natural Area

Here is a "selfie" of Jeanette and I sitting on a sandbank on the Willamette River in the Luckiamute Landing State Natural Area.  We hiked there yesterday during a bird walk in search of waterfowl.  This month's challenge from eBird is to submit 20 observation lists with at least one or more water fowl.  There were no waterfoul to be seen, but we had plenty of sunshine and a great four mile hike.

We didn't have many birds, only fifteen. We did get to watch two Red-tailed Hawks in some amazing flight displays, and a Bald Eagle passed high overhead. Our most impressive sighting was a Rough-legged Hawk, important because it will probably head north by the end of the month. And our waterfowl requirement was finally covered by a flight of 80 Canada Geese.

The best photo of the day was of this Red-breasted Sapsucker.  It was also the busiest bird of the day. Noticed the holes that it has made to acquire sap from this cottonwood tree.

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