Monday, December 14, 2009

Interpretive Signs Complete

With the installation yesterday of the #7 Brittlebush sign I now have all 10 interpretive signs in their proper place along the Buckskin Trail. This was the last sign to be put in place and it has an interesting story. A couple of the other signs had to be moved to correct locations, but the Brittlebush sign was completely missing. Digging around in one of the maintenance shops day before yesterday looking for a drill, I spied this sign sitting back in a corner. It read “Brittlebrush”, notice the “r”. Now we do have a plant called Bitterbrush on the eastside of the Cascades in Oregon, but this plant in the desert is Brittlebush. My best guess is that someone misspelled in when it was made. Now, imagine ME correcting someone else’s spelling!! Possibly a first.

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