Thursday, June 27, 2024

Thursday's Bird Watch

 The best place to watch birds at Dallas Retirement Village recently has been at The Pavilion.  It is easy to select a comfortable chair and look in the trees to the north for a birdhouse.  This nesting box is again being used by Western Bluebirds for the third year in a row. This photo, taken on June 19th, shows the male Western Bluebird with a big bug that he is about to take to the babies in the nesting box.  This was the last day we saw any feeding activity at the nest box.  So, on June 23rd we opened up the box to check the nest.  It was empty!  We removed the nest and found one carcass.  We knew back on June 6th  that there were four babies in the nest, so it's a pretty safe assumption that the other three babies grew up and left the nest shortly after the 19th.  

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